Often when buying honey must take into account the quality of manufacture, in some cases is placed large amounts of sugar, losing the taste of the original honey and the buyer does not get health products from honey. To produce products of high quality honey must be paid attention to beekeepers and deported to extract honey in a timely manner, and this is what distinguishes Smadi Apiaries project, where honey bees are deported in the appropriate seasons and sold honey products in shops and tourist exhibitions. The production process starts from the beginning of spring until early May and the production of one cell varies from decadent to another depending on the care and attention and according to the nature of the surrounding environment and the type of bees. If you are looking for a real benefit of high quality honey products you should go on a tour to the visitor center where the honey products are sold at the Smadi Apiaries project.
The Experience
Meeting Time
Meeting Location
عجلون،، Jordan
Comfortable Shoes
2 days before